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Amped and Access & Move (A&M) Announce Partnership to Deploy 15,000+ Solar-Powered Home Systems Across Kenya in 2024

Providing refugee camps with solar lighting and phone charging through SNV’s Market-Based Energy Access II project

July 17, 2024 – Nairobi, Kenya and Redwood City, CA, USA – Today Amped Innovation and Access & Move (A&M) announced a partnership to expand clean energy access across Kenya. A key project the two companies are supporting is SNV’s Market-Based Energy Access II project in refugee camps in Northern Kenya with additional humanitarian projects rolling out later this year.

The SNV Market-Based Energy Access II project addresses the lack of energy access in the Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement in Turkana, Northern Kenya. These areas house approximately 40 percent of Kenya's refugee and asylum seeker population, totaling around 475,000 individuals. The communities within these areas don’t have access to the national grid, forcing them to rely on inefficient, expensive solutions. This collaboration aims to roll out thousands of safe and affordable solar-powered lighting, TV, and fan systems to poor and vulnerable communities in these areas, significantly improving the living conditions for both the refugee and host communities.

The partnership between Amped Innovation and A&M combines the unique strengths of both organizations. Under the leadership of its founder Alex Olum, a seasoned business leader with broad experience in Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) solutions and the Route-To-Market in Africa and former Managing Director of d.light, A&M contributes its extensive distribution network and in-depth knowledge of the Kenyan market. 

"We’re excited to partner with Amped, a world-class technology partner," said Olum Alex, A&M founder. “We expect to triple solar kit sales this year and we could not think of a better growth partner to meet the market needs alongside us.”

Amped Innovation, known for its technological expertise, offers affordable and reliable solar systems designed for efficiency and upgradeability. These products are set to significantly improve living conditions within these camps. Amped Innovation and A&M collectively strive to meet ambitious project goals, aiming to provide energy access to 60,000+ people this year.

The WowSolar Advantage

Amped Innovation's WowSolar product line includes high-performance, upgradeable solar and battery solutions for cost-effective, reliable clean energy. Amped’s kits are designed to provide brighter lights, longer run times between charges and automatically dim lamps when the battery runs low, extending the runtime for customers by an extra hour. Unlike other similar products on the market, customers can charge up to two mobile phones without compromising evening runtime. A&M has primarily been stocking WowSolar 60, 100 and 400 lighting and charging kits. 

“We’re honored to partner with Access & Move, a team of industry veterans, and kick-off this partnership with such a critically important project,” said Andi Kleissner, Co-founder and Co-CEO of Amped Innovation. “The off-grid and humanitarian need for access energy for lighting, phone charging and cooling remains acute.”

About Amped Innovation

Amped Innovation is a public benefit corporation that builds affordable, reliable solar systems and appliances for small businesses and households in emerging markets. It’s sold over 220,000 off-grid solar home systems across 30 countries in Africa and Asia and continues to build its product line of highly-efficient solar powered appliances including refrigerators, fans and televisions. Learn more about Amped by visiting the Amped website and following Amped on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X.

About Access & Move (A&M)

A&M is a leading promoter of energy access and a reliable Route-To-Market partner in Kenya. The company is committed to providing affordable and sustainable power through affordable solar home systems and productive-use appliances, bringing clean energy to those living beyond the national electrical grid in Kenya. Learn more about A&M's journey on their website here, and follow their advancements on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X.


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